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Become a backer — get rewards.


Between September 16th and October 16th, 2014 we held a Kickstarter campaign which was successfully funded. Although the campaign has ended, we're still looking for funds to pay for extra costs. If you missed it but want to help us make this film, here are the steps to join our team (you will get the same rewards our Kickstarter backers received).

1. Browse our campaign and choose your reward/category on Kickstarter here:









2. Donate toward that category here:

Drifter ($25)
Drifter - you're here to stay for a while, so you get to watch the movie with us online, get Facebook love and a personal note from the director how awesome you are.

Couch Surfer ($35)
Couch Surfer - you decided to make this a lifestyle and hang out. We share the movie with you online and invite you to the LA premiere. It's gonna be a big event, so get ready!

Traveler ($50)
Traveler - you know what you're doing. You like the world and contribute to it. Your free spirited attitude inspires us to share the film in an online link with you, send you a link the Behind-the-Scenes way before it gets released and invite you to the LA premiere!


Tramp ($75)
Tramp - your selfless stay moves us so we want you at the LA premiere, give you access to the film online and an exclusive link to our Behind-the-Scenes. We also give you special mention on Facebook and keep you personally in the loop about festivals. 


Supertramp ($100)
Supertramp - we can all learn from your incredible sense of freedom so we need you at the premiere, share the film and Behind-the-Scenes with you online. Plus you get a signed poster of the film!


Freedom Fighter ($200)

Freedom Fighter - you are determined. What a spirit! You fought your way out of confinement and won't stop until humanity has a shot at spiritual and mental liberty. Your incredibly generous support will be rewarded with VIP tickets to the premiere and a THANK YOU in our film credits. Additionally, you'll get access to the film/Behind-the-scenes online and the signed poster.

Free Spirit ($250)

Free Spirit - you're officially a muse. The way you give touches our hearts and souls. Your VIP ticket to the premiere, THANK YOU credit and a signed, original copy of the script are waiting for you. You get a half hour Q&A with the director and access to our Behind-the-Scenes. (Alternatively: get a free short film script consultation if you're a filmmaker.)


Co-Creator ($500)
Co-creator - this is what it's all about. Getting involved in changing the world through film! You know your contribution will possibly inspire people to make a change. As part of the team, you get a co-producer credit in the film, you will be a VIP at the premiere, get access to the Behind-the-Scenes, get a DVD and a free portrait photo session with Jessica Franz Photography.


World Traveler ($1,000)

World traveler - you've seen it all and truly understand the need for change. You're ready for action.

You're a co-producer as well, so you will get personal mention on Facebook, have access to our Behind-the-Scenes and are a SPECIAL GUEST at the premiere. Your name will be on the poster and you'll get a signed copy of it. Jessica will personally help you on your own project or you can get a free photo shoot of your choice with Jessica Franz Photography.


Ethereal normad ($3,000)

You've left earth to travel through the galaxies. You're mind has mastered earth and is freely wandering the endless space. You are officially a filmmaker! Your incredible contribution to this project gives us the opportunity to take it to the next level and share it with as many people as possible through distribution. You became an executive producer and distributor. You're a special guest at the premiere, will be mentioned on Facebook, and on the poster. You'll get a DVD and a signed copy of the poster. We'll fly you to LA and have you attend our table read or sets & a dinner with the director. You get access to our Behind-the-Scenes. Plus: You'll be personally updated about the film. (NOTE: Doesn't include accommodation. Flight limited to U.S.)

Angel in Charge ($5,000 and up)

Please inquire about this position and the benefits it comes with by emailing us below!



Please contact us if you have questions about crowdfunding here:


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